CODACON and a free webinar

Dear CODA Member,

Here in the South we have 4 seasons just like everyone else, we have camp season, college football season, camp conference season, and pre camp season. The weather doesn’t seem to matter as during each of those times we seem to be focused on that particular season. So since it’s now Camp Conference season I want to make sure you don’t miss out on the most exciting event of this season …… CODACON 2019!

You’ll want to make sure you’re checked into the Opryland in time to hear our opening event and speaker, Tom Asacker, at 4:00. Then at 6:30 its everyones favorite party, the Presidents Reception, in the Delta Pavilion. Its going to be an amazing set of opening events so make plans to be there!!

I’m happy to announce this years Speedy Altman award winner. This years recipient took me under his wing many years ago and showed me the ropes on how to be the national conference chairman. Since then, that relationship has continued to grow throughout the years as he’s passed on many words of advice not only to me, but everyone involved in the camping industry. Its my honor and privilege to congratulate my friend, from Camp Highlander, Karl Alexander!

To see the complete schedule and list of presenters and sponsors use the link below. If you haven’t signed up yet (who would miss the chance celebrate with Karl?) there are still a few spots available so don’t delay (more than you already have)!!

Grab your boots and dust off your hat! We’re gonna have a one heck of a good time in Nashville!

We’ll see ya there!!!


PS — If you need something to get you ready for the conference, Markel Insurance, one of our business members, is sponsoring a free webinar by Bob Ditter. Bob is starting to cut back on his presentations and won’t be speaking at ACA Nationals this year so this may be your only chance to hear him this season. If you’re feeling a little stressed about camp, this webinar is just what you need! Please take advantage of this great opportunity.

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