Registration Information
$450 per person (CODA Member price)
$500 per person (Non-Member price, Join CODA to save)
Fee includes welcome reception Sunday night, dinner Monday night, closing breakfast on Tuesday, keynotes & programming, lounge, entertainment, and transportation Monday night.
Why Should You Come?
- Keynotes & educational sessions focused on the needs of owners & directors
- NEW! Director Case Studies (real stories, how directors handle difficult situations)
- Social and free time structured so you can engage with your peers
- CODACON is small enough to meet everyone, and large enough to meet someone new

Gaylord Opryland Resort
Availability has been limited, and by the time you read this the ACA/CODA reserved rooms may be booked… but rooms were available for Sunday, Feb. 17 - Tuesday, Feb. 19. (posted Dec. 14, 2018)
The Inn at Opryland
Located directly across the street, with shuttle service provided, The Inn at Opryland is an alternate hotel.

Keynote Spotlight
Andre Robert Lee has journeyed from teaching in the NYC public school system, to building an impressive career in the entertainment industry. He has done extensive and important work over the years as a producer, director and actor. In 2012 Lee directed the highly acclaimed film, The Prep School Negro, in which he takes his audience on a journey back in time to revisit the events of his adolescence and the elite prep school that he was selected to attend on a full academic scholarship. He was 14 at the time and living in one of the poorest neighborhoods in Philadelphia. NPR called that time “the beginning of his dual life.” In the film he meets with current day prep school students of color and their classmates. He exposes the outcome of accelerated desegregation and the role that it played in the ever present racial naiveté of today.
We are very excited to have Andre Robert Lee as our Monday Morning Keynote. As CC19 Program Chair, Paul Sheridan explained, “his expertise lies in including people of color in bastions of white privilege that have great intentions, but not necessarily the history, culture or skills on their side.” Lee will craft his message to meet the ever growing cultural needs of our industry, and we are looking forward to hearing what he has to say.
We will soon share more of what’s to come during CODACON19! Stay tuned for updates and for our full schedule of events and programming.
Thanks to Kenny Brooks from Cliq and Cory Jones from California Camp Reality for their Gold Sponsorships that made this keynote possible.

Audrey Monke
How To Podcast (And A Live Recording!)

Diana Huff
A Midsummer Natural Disaster Evacuation Order: One Camp’s Story

Hunter Lott
Hire The Best, Fire The Rest And Stay Out Of Court

Kim Aycock
A Meeting Of The Minds: Camp Directors, Higher Ed And College Students_

Michael Jacobus
Staff Misuse Of Tech: Not That Big A Deal, Right?

Nance Roy, Ed.D.
Mental Health In Youth Adults: Lessons From Higher Education

Paul Sheridan
Welcoming Your First Transgender Camper Or Counselor

Shari Sigoloff & Michael Rawitscher
The Camp Director Can’t Make It To Camp: Now What?

Travis Adams
How Much Should I Be Spending To Generate One Camper?
CODACON 2019 Schedule
Sunday, February 17
Time | Event |
1:00 | Registration Opens |
4:00 | Opening Main Stage Event Tom Asacker — The Science Of Belief |
6:30 | President’s Reception & Cocktails |
8:30 | Brews With Brewer |
Monday February 18
Time | Event |
8:00 | Registration Open |
8:30 | Special Guest Scott Brody — Tax & Legislation Update |
9:15 | Monday Morning Headliner André Robert Lee — Do You Want Me In Your Camp? Are We Struggling With Inclusion? |
10:30 | Educational Breakouts André Robert Lee — Diving Deeper Into Inclusion Michael Jacobus — Staff Misuse Of Tech: Not That Big A Deal, Right? Nance Roy, Ed.D. (The Jed Foundation) — Mental Health In Youth Adults: Lessons From Higher Education |
11:30 | Lunch |
1:00 | Educational Breakouts Audrey Monke — How To Podcast (And A Live Recording!) Hunter Lott — Hire The Best, Fire The Rest And Stay Out Of Court Kim Aycock — A Meeting Of The Minds: Camp Directors, Higher Ed And College Students |
2:15 | Table Topics & Open Discussion |
3:05 | Sponsor Talks |
3:35 | Open Discussion: The Future Of Coda |
4:15 | Director Case Studies Shari Sigoloff & Michael Rawitscher, Camp Thunderbird — The Camp Director Can’t Make It To Camp: Now What? Paul Sheridan, Four Winds — Welcoming Your First Transgender Camper Or Counselor Diana Huff, Astrocamp — A Midsummer Natural Disaster Evacuation Order: One Camp’s Story |
7:00 | Dinner & Social Event Night At Honky Tonk Central! |
9:00 | Brews With Brewer |
Tuesday February 19
Time | Event |
8:15 | The Speedy Altman Breakfast |
9:20 | Breakfast Keynote Event Ron White — Triple Your Memory, Triple Your Business |
10:30 | Educational Breakouts Ron White — 5 Steps To An Unstoppable Memory Chris Thurber — Masculinity: Endangered, Extinct, Or Alive And Well? Travis Adams — How Much Should I Be Spending To Generate One Camper? |
11:45 | Closing Keynote Event Chris Thurber — Tell Me Something I Don’t Know: Six Predictions About Camp |
Gold Sponsors

Cory Jones